Halloween Thrills at Avenue Square

This is the first year that J participated in the Halloween activities at Avenue Square (and he was lucky enough to trick-or-treat twice!). Our little boy has grown old enough to appreciate candy and enjoy running around with the mob.

Armed with his recycled loot bag, Halloween Thrills passport, and Superman costume, the little lakwatsero was all set to experience the Wonderland set up at the Avenue Convention Center.

We were greeted by giant playing cards that led us to the cotton candy station. A friendly, white tiger was distributing cotton candy to a crowd of little kids. Cupcakes with spiders, pumpkins, and sprinkles were ready for the taking. A photobooth was set up (and had quite a line). Games were taking place on one end, while another stage was ready for the musical on the other.

The Green Lantern, The Flash , and Superman!

Midway through the show, our toddler was getting restless and asked if we could go back down. “Shakeys? Please?”. Apparently, he knew what he wanted to order. By the time we got back to the ground floor, the registration table was overflowing with more kids (and parents) ready for the show and the trick-or-treating later that evening.

Each store had treats ready for the kids. They would present their passport and claim their candy. A modified version of our neighbourhood, door-to-door adventures (maybe a bit safer too).

With the help of his Ate Camille, J claimed his goodies from the shops around Avenue Square.

Tons of treats for our boys tonight! Thanks for all the candy, Avenue Square! We’ve got enough sugar to keep all of us awake these next few days as we keep vigil with our loved ones in the cemetery.